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Updated: Nov 8, 2023

Research shows that humans have 97% of the same kind of atoms as the stars. Just as we give off a vibe, so do the Planets.

Astrology has been used for centuries to gain insight into the human psyche and understand the connection between individuals and the universe. Through analyzing your birth time, location, and birth place, astrologers create your Natal Chart ( AKA your Horoscope). Your Natal chart is your specific astrological map that represents your talents, strengths, weaknesses, motivations and purpose in life.

There is no Natal Chart that is the same as someone else's. Even twins have different Natal Charts (i.e. twins have different personalities, communications styles, mental processing, etc.) Your Natal Chart is not time-based. Think of it as your energetic medical record.


Just as doctors and scientists have defined the different parts of our bodies, Astrology defines the different parts of our personality. Many who demonize Astrology by saying they "don't believe in it," are missing the mark. We don't need to believe in Biology to understand that it is the study of the human body. Similarly, we don't need to believe in Astrology to acknowledge that it serves as a system for interpreting human character and tendencies based on planetary movements.

Astrology is a lens through which we can gain additional insights into human behavior, emotions, and potential. It doesn't aim to replace science or religion but offers another angle from which to understand and navigate the complexities of human existence. Just as one doesn't necessarily have to "believe" in psychology to benefit from therapy, or "believe" in economics to understand market dynamics, Astrology can offer valuable perspectives whether or not it fits into your personal belief system.

Basic Framework of Astrology

Planets Represent "The What" - What energy a specific person is expressing

Signs Represent "The How" - How is this energy expressed

Houses Represent "The Where" -- Where is this energy expressing itself

So...Astrologically Speaking, the planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, etc.) represent the different aspects of your personality. Everyone has the same planets in their chart. We all have a Sun, which represents the fullest expression of who you are. How you express your fullest expression is the sign of your sun.

For example, if your Sun is in Leo, this means you were born with the energy of creativity, expression, and dramatic flair. You will naturally have a creative vibe. If you Sun was in Virgo, you may be less expressive outwardly and more expressive inwardly. Virgos are always thinking, analyzing, and problem solving in their head.

Each planet represents a different quality of energy that you can use to create and direct your life. Each energy is related to a specific need that contributes to our complex personality structure. We all have a need to express ourselves, how we do so is our unique vibration.

The Table below provides a simple definition of each planet and their expression.




Fullest expression of you, your ego, and identity


Subconscious mind, memories, and the emotional energy that influences your mood


How you process information, the connection between inner thoughts and outward expression.


How you want to be loved and how you love, relationships, harmony and balance


Passion, drive, and the energy behind your desires and strength


Expansion, your higher self, and the philosophical version of you


Discipline, responsibility, and inner guidance


Your uniqueness and freedom of expression (your weirdo qualities)


Psychic ability, spirituality, and interconnectedness with all things


Transformation and destruction in order to evolve and heal

North Node (Rahu)

The lessons you are here to learn, your life path

South Node (Ketu)

The lessons you have already learned, your hidden gifts, innate traits passed down to you.

Astrology is a complex, multi-faceted field that combines art and science. But this energy is not static. As you grow and evolve, so does the celestial sky. Planetary transits—the movement of planets across your Natal Chart—play a crucial role in triggering specific events, emotions, or thoughts in your life. An aspect, which is a certain angle between two planets, indicates the nature of their relationship at any given time, be it harmonious or challenging.

The Importance of Free Will

Astrology offers a roadmap, but it doesn't dictate your destination. Your choices, actions, and free will are the driving forces behind your life. Astrology serves as a guide, helping you make more informed decisions by highlighting potential opportunities and challenges but it doesn't tell you what to do.

Whether you consult Astrology for daily guidance, life decisions, or a deeper understanding of your authentic self, remember that YOU are the architect of your own destiny.

We will discuss more about the planets, signs, and houses in future posts.

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